a rose covered with snow
a frozen spider-web
ibu in gloomy Queen's Park
feeding the ducks.. I pity them they must be cold, they don't have jackets
I can imagine how freakin COLD this is
frozen puddle that turned into ice pieces
the frozen puddle
I made fish fillet, baked potatoes with some vegetables for lunch today. It's an easy cooking and inexpensive too. I made for 2, coz I thought abg might want to have some. But he went to his friend's wedding ceremony, so I ended up eating alone. Chitam came to accompany me.

It's raining very heavily at the moment, rough wind with the familiar sound it makes when it's windy in Glasgow :) I miss...
Raspberry cheesecake I made last 2 days
I really can't wait to start uni. Staying at home, sleeping and eating all day, I really need to get a life.
sedapnye!!!!!! sy nak rase laen kali bwat tuk sy
Kina, ada masa jumpa di www.facebuku.nbi.com.my nanti boleh saya bincang pasal web promosi hasil karya Kina.. dan nak bincang pasal salasilah.. family tree
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